Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Letter Dot Worksheets: Free, Versatile, and Fun!

The kids and I have had a lot of fun with these worksheets - Letter Dots!

This is a great activity for practicing letter formation - and so versatile!  You can practice with these worksheets using stickers, stamps, fingerprints, coins, rocks, buttons, blocks, plastic figurines, you name it.

You could get really creative and use an item that begins with the same letter: apple stickers for A, buttons for B, Cheerios for C, etc.

M is for Minerals!

N is for Pennies! ...wait... 
You can also incorporate other subjects/topics you are covering into this activity: colors, shapes, story themes, math concepts - we are learning about patterns this week, so G-Bug asked to make a pattern on her O worksheet.  Why not?


 I found these great markers on clearance at Michaels this week, but any marker with a round tip will work great, like bingo markers or the Crayola toddler markers you can find at most stores.

What kind of activities have you used to practice letter formation?

Happy learning, everyone!

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