Saturday, October 15, 2016

Create Fearlessly

(This was a story I shared with the Hutchmoot Facebook group "The Rabbit Room Chinwag" earlier this week. I am sharing it here to remind myself of these wondeful truths when I so often give into the fear that can crush joyful creativity.)

After asking a million questions about our weekend at Hutchmoot** this past weekend, our 7 year old Truth decided last night to become an author and eagerly began writing his first novel about a mad scientist. He carefully jotted down some general notes, drew a book cover, and even penned a "note to the reader."

When he woke up the next morning, he grabbed his notes and started scribbling down the first chapter with gusto. Ten minutes later, I noticed that he was sitting very still. Then he turned to me with tears in his eyes and asked in a very small voice, "Mom, what if nobody likes it?"

Joy of creativity was shadowed by fear. We've all been there. It was an extremely sensitive moment, and I froze.

By God's grace, I was reminded of so many wonderful truths that were gleaned from the weekend that I could share with him. Randall Goodgame and Katy Bowser's talk about children and the importance of encouraging them in creativity without shame. Sally Clarkson's exhortation to remind our children that they have an important part in God's megastory to fulfill. Clay Clarkson creating a safe space for terrified musicians to share a piece of their story through song without fear of reproach. Diana Glyer's talk about the Inklings, the importance of encouragement in creative community, and even the horrific fact that the Narnia series was almost trashed before it was even fully written because of a critical word. (Truth's eyes were huge when I told him this and he was furious with Tolkien for the next hour.)

By divine providence and provision, we could address his fears and encourage him to press on. He's now working on chapter 2 and asking how to spell "transport-inator."

Thank you to the creators/leaders/volunteers/speakers/fellow participants of the Rabbit Room - for equipping us to raise up the next generation to create fearlessly. All of your work in not in vain.

**Defining Hutchmoot is like trying to explain an indefinable something, too broad and rich to fit into a narrow category. In simple terms, it's a gathering of Christians who love expressing and/or celebrating creativity, primarily through writing, music, visual arts, animation/film, etc. (Though there were many other people who express creativity in other ways - see what I mean? Indefinable something!)  Jason and I were able to go together for our 10 year anniversary getaway, and it was refreshing and inspiring.

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